Contest + Giveaways
VAMPIRE’S HUNGER has been out a month, and the second book in The Awakening series, VAMPIRE’S THIRST, is coming out on Tuesday May 6th. To celebrate both, I’m having a contest with multiple winners! Here’s some of the booty:
Signed ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) of VAMPIRE’S HUNGER and VAMPIRE’S THIRST, magnets of the book covers, zombie finger puppets, a few bumper stickers (two zombie-related and one vampire-related), and vampire and zombie movies! I’m also going to have a couple of mouse pads and key chains, but they’re not getting in until next week.
To be eligible to win, follow me on Twitter, like my Facebook author page (the Twitter and FB icons/links are at the top of this page), interact with me on Twitter and Facebook, and at this blog and others that I’ll be touring starting next week. I’ll have links to those sites on my homepage.
This contest is open to U.S. and non-U.S. residents, though only U.S. residents will receive print books and other items. For non-U.S. residents I’ll be giving away electronic copies of the books.
So, are you ready to win? Let’s talk vampires and zombies. What’re your favorite movies and TV shows with those monsters in them? Favorite vampire and/or zombie books?
Dani W.
A-hah! After months of fighting with my virus protector I have access to this site again! Take that, virus protector!
o.o Ahem.
So, I didn’t start out liking zombies right off. I think Resident Evil and Zombie Land kinda set me up to enjoy that sort of thing. But, to be honest, it’s always been vampires for me.
It started with Ann Rice and _The Vampire Lestat_(Not Interview ’cause I’m sorry, Louis’ whining is hard enough to listen to coming from Brad Pitt, I really didn’t need to read it). It was the first time I’d had access to romanticized vampires. Well, as romanticized as Lestat gets compared to current vampire books. Then of course, there was Buffy. I mean come on, David Boreanaz and James Marsters make a girl wanna get bit. Srsly.
Of course, once I got sucked in, then I had to find more interesting versions of the vampire myth ’cause really you can only read about Dracula types so many times before the appeal loses affect.
And through all of my searching there was you! And always with the best heroes’ with the names starting with D! Which is a great letter I might add. Just saying.
Anyways, so eyah. Those are my favorites! ^_^
Cynthia Garner
I’d have to agree with you there, Dani. There was a series on TV called Cliffhanger (1979), which followed three different story lines, one of which was Curse of Dracula. Dracula was played by Michael Nouri. O.M.G. Talk about let me help you find my vein!